Medical Workers’ Attitudes to Maintain Patient’s Hope at Modern Hospice: The Whole Patient, Spirituality, Creativity

Aya Tabuchi
Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 35-54
First Published: September 20, 2022
[in Japanese]



The purpose of this study was to know research ethics education offered at medical schools in Japan. A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire was sent to the instructors of research ethics education classes at all 82 universities with medical schools. Respondents were asked about their demographics, goals for research ethics education, specific teaching methods for each grade level, and difficulties they experience in research ethics education. The research was conducted in March 2019.
We received answers from 23 of 82 universities (28.0% response rate), and responses from 20 universities were analyzed, excluding the three universities that had no relevant person in charge. Fourteen universities explicitly mentioned the protection of human subjects as a goal of research ethics education, and nine universities mentioned research integrity. The educational topics varied widely, and many universities offered the course by the fourth grade of study. Many answers had their classes through lectures and case studies, and some universities introduced e-learning. Although the response rate was low, we were able to grasp the current status of research ethics education for medical students in Japan.


Key words

 Modern Hospice, The Whole Patient, Spirituality, Narrative Medicine, Creativity